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The Benefits Of A Good Night's Rest

Have a friend or a colleague who loves to don the statement, “sleep is for the weak.” Or maybe you’ve been concerned about a friend who has been studying and working like a madman and you get thrown the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” response. At Sleep Quiet, we totally get that you need to work hard to earn hard, however sleep is something that should not be compromised just so we can feel a part of the #hustleculture. In fact, if we slept more we can really start to put the #worksmarternotharder into our daily routines. Why? Because a good night’s sleep is the perfect remedy which benefits your physical, mental and emotional health. You Feel Like You Can...

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The Five Stages Of Snoring

Snoring, it's one of those things that everyone denies they do, especially when they are confronted with the facts. The snorer’s partner will tell the snorer that they snore, and yet the snorer will not believe it. Many feel a sense of shame, awkwardness and discomfort when told they snore. Why? It’s a natural issue, it happens in 70% of adults at one stage or another and yet when faced with the issue, we (the snorer) sweep it under the rug. We have collated the five stages of a snorer before they accept and face the snoring at hand.

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